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Friday 16 December 2011

Caladonian...The Final cut

So, the list has to be submitted by the 22nd of December and after chewing the cud over with Brad and reading comments from Atradies, Venerable Brother and Killswitch Ive decided to go with the list bellow which I will be sending off tomorrow night unless I once again enter indecisive mode.

HQ: Marshal, Lightning Claw, Storm Shield, Terminator Armour, Adamantine Mantle.

HQ: Emperor's Champion, Accept Any Challenge.

Elite: Sword Brethren Terminator Squad.
3 Terminator
1 Terminator with Cyclone Missile Launcher
1 Terminator with Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain fist.
Tank Hunter

Elite: Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad
2 Terminator with Lightning Claws
4 Terminator with Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield
Furious Charge
1 Land Raider Crusader, Dozer Blade, Smoke Launchers, Blessed Hull.

Troops: Crusader Squad
8 Initiate with Bolt Pistol and CCW.
1 Initiate with Meltagun.
1 Initiate with Bolt Pistol & Power Weapon, Power Weapon.
1 Drop Pod.

Troops: Crusader Squad
5 Initiate with Bolt Pistol and CCW.
1 Neophyte with Bolt Pistol & CCW.
1 Neophyte with Shotgun.

Troops: Crusader Squad
5 Initiate with Bolt Pistol and CCW.
1 Neophyte with Bolt Pistol & CCW.
1 Neophyte with Shotgun.

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron
1 Land Speeder Typhoon.
1 Land Speeder Typhoon.

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron
1 Land Speeder Typhoon.
1 Land Speeder Typhoon.

The main changes I've made are; Claw on the Marshal and some Neophytes to appease Venerable Brother.

The Drop Pod squad means that I can dump a nice fat squad more or less anywhere I want to contest objectives, support the assault terminators or generally make a nuisance of themselves.

Its nice and flexible and gives me some nice options and the Drop Squad means I can react to threats and the fact it drops in means my opponent will have to think about thier more static units deployment.

Comments anyone?


  1. Troops are back to doing fuck all then Von? ;) drop 6th ass termie for Las/Plas on troops?

    or lose the drop pod and go to 6 man troop squads..just a little bullet catcher.. I still worry about just 3 matter what Killswitch says! Troops are critical.

    What about something like:
    Marshall (as above)
    2 x 5 Shootie Terms
    1 x 5 Ass Termies w dedicated LR
    5 x 6 troops (5I/1N) las/plas

    THat's about 1850 and has lots of shooting, decent CC?

  2. I'm concerned about your Typhoons. They're really the only armor on the board (aside from the AV14), plus they bring in a good chunk of your own Anti-Tank, so they are prime targets for any light Anti-Tank. Plus, you should definitely have them in three squadrons so that they can target three different targets and are less vulnerable to getting killed by the Squadron rules.
